Are you feeling trapped in a life that isn't truly yours, burdened by others' expectations and longing to break free?

Are you living someone else's dream, while your true essence whispers in the shadows?

Unlock your authentic, multidimensional self and discover your unique expression to live a fulfilling life, on your terms!

U are more than flesh and bones. more than your thoughts, emotions and experiences.

U are a multidimensional being, comprising a physical body, energetic signature, conscious essence, and spiritual presence.

U are a spark of divine consciousness, experiencing through a human body in this holographic reality as a projection of your multidimensional consciousness.

As a projected hologram, this human experience can be fraught with challenges.

Illusions of separation, fear, and scarcity can obscure your true nature, leading to feelings of disconnection, uncertainty, and suffering.

But what if U could navigate these challenges with ease?

Unlock Your Multidimensional Essence

Discover Your Unique Expression

Step into an Authentic, Meaningful Life

The struggle is real!

Discover the freedom to be yourself, untethered from others' expectations.

ARE U....

- Seeking a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world

- Desiring to overcome limitations and reach your full potential

- Wanting to cultivate meaningful relationships and connections

- Aspiring to live a purpose-driven life with direction and clarity

- Interested in exploring consciousness and spiritual growth


- Feeling stuck or stagnant in life

- Struggling with negative thoughts, self-doubt, or anxiety

- Disconnected from yourself, others, or your passions

- Unclear about your life purpose or direction

- Seeking a more authentic, fulfilling life

U know U have to go somewhere,

but not too sure.

U know U need help,

but not sure who to ask.

U know you're tired of feeling lost and uncertain,

but the fear of the unknown keeps U stuck.

U know you're craving deeper meaning and purpose,

but the noise of the world drowns out your inner voice.

U know U want to trust your intuition,

but self-doubt and skepticism hold U back.

U know you're ready for transformation,

but don't know where to start or how to navigate the twists and turns.

Your Trusted Guide


Your Trusted Guide


As your spiritual copilot, I'll translate complex concepts into easy-to-follow directions, helping you clarify your map, navigate twists and turns, and tune into your inner GPS.

I'm here to ride shotgun, silencing doubts , dissolving your fears and vanishing your uncertainties, FOREVER !


I'll help U find your way when you're feeling lost, and show U how to integrate spiritual practices into your daily life.

But here's the thing: I don't want U to rely on me forever!

My intention is to empower U to take the wheel, trust your own instincts, and find your own inner GPS.

With humour, empathy, and straight talk, I'll guide U through life's twists and turns, but ultimately, I want U to become your own spiritual navigator.

Let's work together to get U confident, self-assured, and cruising toward your highest potential – without needing me to ride shotgun forever!

Break free from others' expectations and unlock your inner GPS.

As a consciousness mentor, I guide U in uncovering your authentic, multidimensional essence.

Together, we'll embark on a transformative journey to:

By expanding your consciousness, you'll unlock new dimensions of yourself, revealing:

In our Tune In Tune Up Sessions, we'll transcend physical boundaries, encompassing realms

beyond time and space. We'll explore this expansive reality, dissolving illusions to:

- Awaken your Inner Oracle

- Integrate the wisdom of your higher self

- Embody the freedom and empowerment of consciousness

- Unlock new dimensions of potential, creativity, and joy

All this with my intuitive guidance and customised harmonisation of your Information field with Quantum Technology.

All sessions require personal details to access your Unique Energetic Signature

Book Package of 3 sessions for $500 (AUD)

The Impact

Human Experience

Shifting our consciousness leads to a profound shift in our human experience. It is the ultimate solution to transcending worries and pain. As we elevate our consciousness, we gain a broader perspective, we move from a state of fear, anxiety, and suffering to one of peace, clarity, and inner calm.

This transformation allows us to navigate life's challenges with ease, resilience, and wisdom. Our relationships transform, becoming more harmonious and meaningful. We find purpose and direction, and our lives become a reflection of our true potential.

The consciousness shift is a powerful catalyst for personal growth, healing, and transformation. It empowers us to live a life that is authentic, vibrant, and truly extraordinary unlocking the door to a life of purpose, joy, and fulfilment.

Transforming Emotional Stress

Moreover, a consciousness shift transforms our emotional landscape, allowing us to break free from the grip of emotional stress and turmoil. We develop emotional resilience, learning to navigate life's challenges with grace and ease.

Our thoughts and emotions become aligned with our highest good, leading to inner peace, calmness, and clarity. We release the burdens of anxiety, depression, and fear, embracing a life of emotional freedom and empowerment.

By expanding our consciousness, we become the masters of our emotional realm, living a life of joy, love, and serenity.

Healing Physical Conditions

A consciousness shift also has a profound impact on our physical well-being. As we raise our consciousness, our body's natural healing abilities are activated, allowing us to overcome chronic conditions and ailments.

Our cells, organs, and systems begin to vibrate at a higher frequency, leading to renewed vitality and health. We experience reduced inflammation, improved immune function, and enhanced overall wellness.

By shifting our consciousness, we unlock the door to optimal physical health and vitality.

With your newfound multidimensional awareness, you'll confidently express your true self, sharing your unique gifts and perspectives with the world.

Includes results from Group Programmes

Includes results from Group Programmes

“When things arise I’m not uuuuhhhh. I’m like just go through it. It’s all happening. Just work with it and then come out the other side feeling pretty relaxed and not like aaarrrrgghhhh!! So I feel really Good Onkar, I feel really good!

What really clicked for me yesterday when I was at meeting, I caught myself going through Aaaaarrgh!

Usually I wake up going OMG! It’s so shit! I hate it OMG! I woke up this morning there was so much calmness, saying Oh yes! It’s just fine. I’m on my path to where I wanna go and this is all working, so it was just such a massive shift!”

- Vicky (Australia)

Onkar is a beautiful, enlightened soul with a huge heart❤️ I was looking to receive more Abundance in my life and this course did that and much more. It helped expand my consciousness which to my lovely surprise brought me to discover my life mission, something that I had wondered about for as long as I can remember.

Onkar, will definitely provide you amazing tools to help you and channels what your soul needs. During this course and definitely by the end of it you will be asking "How does it get better than this?" TRUST ME, it does!! I am forever grateful,

thank you Onkar!🙏❤🌹

-Irene (Canada))

Onkar taps into parts of you that you don’t even remember exist. The ones U had probably numbed down due to past trauma.

She lights up a spark in your mind for new and better possibilities. AND shows you exactly how to make them your reality. Now how I practice that is my responsibility.

Onkar has this unique ability to go inside you like I literally felt she was inside my head and my heart when she was talking about my thoughts and how I felt. It was so scary, but in a good way, very good way. She really knew what was going on for me.

For the first time in 45 years, I felt I was seen and heard and also supported.

-D.S (India))

What an conscious expansive course, aligning with 5D choices , mindset in action. 🤩🌟

I experienced transformations ☯️on many levels, overall feeling a coherence with the synchronisities and abundance, such a celebration 🎉of contentment within my life. 💜☮️

Loved journeying with you all and witnessed the changes within you all.

❤️💃I absolutely loved this course🙏

Onkar teachings are from her own personal experiences and is delivering wisdom of actioning choices of a higher frequency, to create abundance and gratitude .

Elevation occurs to a higher choice point and mind set.

You are gifted an array of methods and strategies to diminish stories, behaviours, thought patterns, triggers, projections, judgements and fears to manifest abundance, happiness and gratitude to weave into all aspects of your life.

Onkar gives you the tools and teachings such as clearing statements, activations, rescue hacks, meditations, frequency healing, a reset of dynamic word choices, actualising into reality to expand your consciousness and abundance.

I would highly recommend this course of transformation ❤️🌹

- Kerryl (Australia)

I was really at the very bottom when Onkar my beautiful friend posted that she would offer this course. I didn't think twice about joining up! I know her courses and activations are powerful but this course blew my mind from the very first week!

I received a free mentorship course of 4 weeks; A new partnership was formed for a couple of my products which lead to another potential client; A person contacted me via my website and booked three catering orders and has paid up upfront! All this within the the first couple of weeks! How can it get even better than that? That is exactly what you will ask as things just start falling into place! But that is not the only thing I gained some awesome activations and awesome practice tools that you can use daily to increase your abundance in 5D and beyond!

I am so grateful to the universe and to Onkar for this course! If you are called to do this course then say YES and the universe will give you a double YES YES! Go forth with love and faith! Blessings to Onkar and all the beautiful souls in her life! ❤️❤️❤️

- Jerestene (Australia)

-D.S (India))

This course with the most beautiful, loving & connected Onkar is worth more than words can describe

So things are flowing easier atm. Extra clients a Bowen appointment which I needed earlier than I had. Caring less about what others think.

All positive…. Thank you 🙏🙌💜🌈🌷

I’m more aware of what I’m thinking & changing it to a positive and intense feeling …

I’m more connected & trusting my intuition way more…🤩

Onkar has a beautiful way of connecting & delivering her guidance to the group.. I love that Onkar is very genuine and she is a generous soul… we learned a whole new way of being / thinking & focused on the FEELING 2 experience what u desire for your life… 2 B the best version of ur Soul… 4 humanity 🌈💖🙏🙌🌺

Your tool box will be expanded & over flowing for your new expanded reality 😍.

I loved the experience and felt so accepted….😇

-Trina (Australia))

Well there has been a huge shift for me, although I do slip back, some days. Been meditating and manifesting more consistently too.

It is getting Better all the time…… 💞💞😊

Each session, I’ve wondered how can it get any better than this? And each time it does! Thank you so much Onkar for helping us shift our energy and raise our ABUNDANCE and leave our negative thoughts and fears ❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️

-Deborah (USA))

Hello lovely hope you have been keeping well.

I wanted to thank you for everything you have done for me I have had the most incredible week with amazing things happening and it’s all because of you. All of the work I have done with you is all really coming into fruition. I’m feeling so much more confident I now realise I am really good at what I do. I call myself a stylist and deserve to be paid my worth.

So thank you from the bottom of my heart you are my guiding angel. Everything is an illusion and life just keeps getting better and better. I can’t wait to see what other things evolve.

I’m so grateful for our friendship and we must catch up soon😘😘😘

-- T (Australia))

- U know U deserve inner peace.

- U know you're meant for something more.

- U know U need to let go.

- U know you're seeking answers.

- U know you're ready to awaken.


We are not Medical Practitioners and we DO NOT give medical advice to anyone. This page is informational only and only to support U in your chosen journey to Wellbeing. If U have a medical condition, please consult with your medical practitioner first.

The analysis and harmonisation in the Information Field is not intended to cure, treat, mitigate, diagnose or prevent any disease or medical condition. It is intended to give the professional user the option, in a holistic context, to derive helpful information from findings from the Information Field. Each professional user should evaluate, based on their own experience, whether the application is useful in their practice. The terms used in the databases and modules do not constitute statements concerning their effects. Information from the TimeWaver system should always be critically questioned and, if necessary, verified with further procedures.

By booking this service, U agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this website/page are personal testimonials of results that have been shared with us by clients. They are not a guarantee and may not apply to everyone and are not intended to represent that all users will achieve the same or similar results. Healing is a unique journey for each person and results are therefore not replicable.


“This is a not-for-profit community service/member organisation” and “all profits are used to fund the member community projects”.